
为北京的AMXF提供认识的机会;A place to connect Chinese male and non-Asian female @ Beijing

A comparison of East/West relationship pattern

Here is an explanation on why Asian male are passive on relationship.  I did my undergraduate study at a China University and did my graduate school at a University in States. Chinese college guys don't talk girls that much and just spend their time either on studying or sports, or hangout in their dorms, There are much less social event like bars and parties as in US. Chinese guys just don't acquaint with many females. Most of the time, Chinese college guys get to know girls either from Class(class are comprised by exactly the same people  for the whole college year in most case ). Which I want to say is , Chinese guys are just least experienced on a relationship, many couples get to know each other because of class, school club, or workmate after graduation.

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